Renovation of an oil-fired boiler plant for Vattenfall in Motala
Vattenfall - Motala SiteConcept is carrying out a renovation of an oil-fired boiler plant for Vattenfall. The plant, which serves as a peak load facility, is being upgraded with new Siemens LMV51 burner control.
Energy storage Reuter West, Berlin
SiteConcept built the SaltX Pilot Plant for Nanocoated Salt "The Green Gold of Energy Storage is Salt” Siteconcept constructed the SaltX energy storage facility at Vattenfall's Reuter West thermal power plant in Berlin, Germany. The facility is a pilot plant for testing and evaluating energy...
Conversion of Solid Fuel Plant for Increased Efficiency & Reduced Environmental Emissions.
Rebuilding of KMW-furnace and replacement of fuel feed During the summer break at Karl Hedin's sawmill in Karbenning, SiteConcept rebuilt the old KMW-furnace. The furnace has been given a larger volume and grate surface, which has increased residence time and effect. Fuel feed has been...
Turnkey project for 10 MWth, 16 bar steam
Feasibility study and turnkey contract for Arbaflame pellets "Svarta Pellets in a Green World” Siteconcept conducted a feasibility study for Arbaflame pellets at their facility in Matrand, approximately 15 kilometers west of Oslo. The study was carried out by Siteconcept's Norwegian subsidiary. The facility in...
PID gas cleaning with methanol scrubber
PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) control on gas cleaning with methanol scrubber We have worked on process design that includes the implementation of PID-controlled gas cleaning with a methanol scrubber. This advanced technology requires precision and expertise to ensure efficiency and compliance with environmental requirements. Here is how...
Statkraft – Stjørdal: upgrade of solid fuel facility
Statkraft – Stjørdal SiteConcept's subsidiary in Norway is performing an upgrade of a solid fuel facility from Justsen. The upgrade includes, among other things, new duct systems in stainless steel, renovation of two scrubbers in glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP), and additional service planning.
We are hiring project managers and designers.
Do you want to work with us? SiteConcept is working towards a more sustainable future and is looking to expand our team with additional skilled employees. Currently, we are seeking project managers and designers for upcoming projects. Are you interested in working for a more...
Change of glue gas duct for Luleå Energi
Change of gas duct at Luleå Energi During the autumn, SiteConcept changed the flue gas duct and fan at Luleå Energi's pellet factory on Svartön in Luleå. The flue gas duct is made of 10mm stainless steel, and the fan is also made of stainless...
Flue gas cleaning with ceramic filter technology
Reduced Emissions with Flue Gas Cleaning and Dust Removal Using Ceramic Filters Dust removal is a crucial aspect of environmental protection and industrial process management, aiming to eliminate particles and pollutants from air or gas streams. Traditional dust removal methods have been effective, but the...
Oil boiler plant for Statkraft in Kungsbacka
Relocation of oil boilers in Kungsbacka During the summer, SiteConcept moved two oil boilers from Smörhålevägen to Borgåsliden in Kungsbacka. The two oil boilers are 12.5MW each and have been installed in an existing building at the new location where they will function as peak...
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Energy storage Reuter West, Berlin
Gäddvägen 1, 761 41 Norrtälje
+46 70 380 23 63